Resident physicians in specialist training

Did you know?

Resident physicians can between

Doctors full rate and Special rate for doctors choose!

Privately insured from 170 EUR per month and up to 6 MB back ...


  • When can I get private health insurance?

    Private health insurance for resident doctors / resident dentists in specialist training for EUR 170 (employee share)

  • Can I expect good or even excellent insurance coverage for this contribution?

    The question can be answered clearly with "yes".

  • What should be considered when choosing private health insurance?

    Since the choice of private health insurance is a long-term decision, the choice of company and tariff should be made carefully.

  • What happens if I do not use any services? Will I then get my contributions back?

    If you do not make use of any services from your private health insurance, Barmenia also offers a premium refund of up to six monthly premiums.

  • What happens after passing the specialist training? Private health insurance for specialists

    Congratulations! You are a specialist. What does this mean for your full private health insurance? As a specialist, your tariffs will be changed. In addition to some performance improvements, such as in the area of teeth and vision aids, the change also affects the formation of old-age provisions. These serve to keep your contributions stable in old age. In addition, the legislature provides for a 10% statutory surcharge, which serves the same purpose.

Premium refund:

  • 3 monthly contributions (MB) in the first year of insurance
  • 4.5 MB in the second
  • 6 MB in the third year without performance

Easy med Doctor Set

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After the specialist training switch to the full tariff with retirement provisions:

What will i pay later?

Experts are looking for experts - start the first step!

After getting to know each other on the phone or by email, we will discuss with you how the consultation should take place.

  • telefonic consultancy
  • additionally with online advice> screen
  • Personal advice> Office

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In order to be able to offer you the perfect solution, we need your exact personal situation and information about your wishes.

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