Internship and practical year abroad - Editor-in-Chief Peter Karle

Easy Med Student Set Abroad

Nationwide for years! Lecture series by on the subject of "clinical traineeship and practical year abroad". Speaker Peter Karle, specialist and book author on the subject of "Medical Activities Abroad".

Editor-in-chief of

(Speaker at numerous medical congresses such as "Operation Careers 2012 - 2020)

You can find the announcement of the next lectures on the homepage of under the point "Dates". - top right -

In the "Corona time", these are online conferences as a replacement for the face-to-face events that last took place in January 2021 in Cologne and Bonn, previously in Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich, among others. New online conferences will take place again from May 2021. You can find dates on the website of

Lecture on clinical traineeship and practical year abroad
Medical students who would like such a lecture at their university are welcome to contact him directly. Cell phone: 0175 - 5917646 and email:
E-mail Peter Karle

Collaboration between Barmenia and since spring 2018.

The common motto: "Support and encourage the next generation of doctors!"


  • Mr. Karle from supports with content
  • Barmenia is the sponsor of the foreign scholarships!

Once again and for the 21st time, thanks to an initiative by and Barmenia Krankenversicherung AG, foreign scholarships can be awarded nationwide in the form of one-off funding amounts to medical students who are doing a nursing internship, a degree / semester (e.g. via Erasmus Programs), an internship, a research stay as part of the doctoral thesis or part of the practical year abroad.

(Foreign scholarships to promote medical students ". Initiative by since 2011. To date, more than 370 medical students have received one-off funding for their stays abroad as part of their medical studies in 20 calls for proposals.)

Foreign scholarships

All information about the PJ, clinical traineeship, etc.

At the request and advice of medical students and young doctors who know Mr. Karle from his lectures on the subject of "clinical traineeship and PJ abroad" and his activities in the field of "young doctors", Mr. Karle posts on Facebook for medical students as well as young doctors factual, helpful information and advice on studying medicine, including exams, further training and future careers:

Insurance kit for medical students consisting of:

- Foreign health insurance
- Disability insurance
- Professional and personal liability
Medical students receive insurance protection around the globe and around the clock for the really existential threats. These are liability claims, justified or unjustified, inability to study or work, e.g. due to accidents or infections as well as illnesses and the associated costs. The whole thing at a price / performance ratio that impressively reflects our responsibility for protecting our medical students and our knowledge of student budgets.

Another big advantage is that it is uncomplicated - now and in the future! An example: A medical student applies for this all-round carefree protection for himself and answers the necessary health questions after detailed and appreciative advice. The insurer then grants insurance cover.

A highlight here - in the future, the student can go abroad as often and as long as he / she wants until the end of their studies (both privately and as part of their studies, a maximum of 12 months a year). The insurer does not have to be informed beforehand and they can drive whenever and wherever they want.

If this medical student has completed his studies at a later date, he will be able to adapt his occupational disability insurance and / or health insurance to his professional and private situation again and again. He never has to answer health questions again. The condition and classification apply when the package is first concluded. The “Easy Med Student Set” becomes an “Easy Med Doctor Set” for him! - see assistant doctor -

Easy with Student Set

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